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Latest Free Stuff, Free Samples, Discount Coupons, Freebies!
Home & Garden
Product Samples
Get a free Unit Measuring Cup & Unit & Calorie Calculator when you register! You'll also receive your cup in the post, along with a Unit & Calorie Calculator.
Offer valid for residents of:
Product Samples
Stickers & Magnets
Their assortment of products are made with the modern day equestrian in mind, aiming to keep horse and rider in balance and harmony. Request one of their free stickers, and check out their site!
Offer valid for residents of:
Drinks Sample
Product Samples
Get a free Snapple or Nantucket Nectars at Bruegger's Bagels! Visit the linked page and wait for the pop-up box to appears. Fill in the form, submit and they'll send you a free Snapple or Nantucket Nectars coupon that can be printed or shown on your phone. No purchase necessary (even though the pop up says with purchase when you view the coupon there is no purchase necessary)! Check your email!!
PRINT OR SHOW this offer at checkout to redeem window will pop up after you submit! Once you receive the email you have the option to use mobile or print out coupon to redeem!
Offer valid for residents of:
Morton Salt will send you a water test strip to help you find out if you have any hard water issues. Just run the test strip under water to evaluate your water hardness. Sign up today!
Offer valid for residents of:
DVDs & Videos
Request a sample of the award-winning Your & Your Baby and Caring for Your Late Preterm Infant DVDs.
Offer valid for residents of:
Simply complete the form on their site for your free sample!
Offer valid for residents of:
The first 7,500 people signing up will automatically receive a free foil pack of our clinically proven Firming DMAE Moisturizer. Rich in moisture and nutrients, this nourishing crème contains ingredients shown to help support healthy collagen and elastin, addressing loss of elasticity.
Offer valid for residents of:
Printable Stuff
Product Samples
Get a free pack of Linda McCartney Vegetarian Sausages at Morrisons! They're on sale for £1 at Morrisons until Sunday. Use the £1 coupon on the linked page to print out to get them for free!
Offer valid for residents of:
Fragrance Sample
Product Samples
Women's Stuff
Sign up with This Is Powder to get a free sample of Marc Jacobs decadence fragrance! Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Click Here' to fill in the form and experience the decadence for yourself.
Offer valid for residents of:
Join the movement and take the pledge to end the Stigma against those with disabilities and get a free bracelet! (PA residents only).
Offer valid for residents of: