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Premier Childrenswork magazine

Request  Premier Childrenswork magazine
Children's Free Stuff
Sign up to receive a free issue of Premier Childrenswork magazine! Premier Childrenswork aims to equip Christian children’s workers with the ideas, support and practical resources needed to help them grow their ministries and engage children in faith. We do this through a mix of the funny and the serious, inspiration and challenge, highs and lows.
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Book: The Day Jesus The Christ Died

Request  The Day Jesus The Christ Died Book
Request this free book from the Christian Biblical Church of God! The Christian Biblical Church of God was established in 1983 by a small group of seven true believers and one minister, Fred R. Coulter, when they separated themselves from another Church of God organization which had embraced non-scriptural beliefs and practices.
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Vintage Postcard from Pilgrim Monument

Send a Vintage Postcard from Pilgrim Monument
Home & Garden
Send a beautiful vintage postcard to a friend for free! Select one beautiful postcard, complete your info and the friend that you would like the send it to and Pilgram Monument will send it out free of charge! The Cape Cod Pilgrim Memorial Association built the Pilgrim Monument to honor the Pilgrims’ first landing in Provincetown. President Theodore Roosevelt laid the cornerstone in 1907. In 1910, President William Howard Taft dedicated the finished 252-foot tower. In 1910, the Cape’s first building built to house a museum opened at the base of the monument, to educate the public about Provincetown’s role in Pilgrim history and American history.
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