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Free Coffee Samples and Offers

Free coffee sample from Julie Parry Jones

Request Free coffee sample from Julie Parry Jones
Coffee Sample
Product Samples
Julie Parry Jones is an International Speaker & Positive Ageing Expert. Retirement health and earning opportunities in later life for a brighter future and she is offering a free sample of her coffee for you to try! Fill out her request form and wait for your coffee sample!
Offer valid for residents of: 

Free Coffee For Soldiers

Register: Free Coffee For Soldiers
Coffee Sample
Drinks Sample
Product Samples
Nominate an active duty soldier serving overseas in a war zone, and we'll send him or her a bag or two of free coffee. It may be any of the stock of coffee we have, but we know soldiers love the gourmet coffee we send no matter what the brand! (See troops' thank you notes below.) To nominate a soldier, email us with the soldier's name and rank, soldier's email address, and soldier's shipping address. We'll notify the soldier of your nomination before sending the shipment to ensure he or she is familiar with our program.
Offer valid for residents of: 

Coffee Morning Kit

Coffee morning kit
Coffee Sample
Register to get a Free Coffee Morning Kit. Just complete the short form and you will receive a free kit full of everything you need to hold a coffee morning for Macmillan. They will send you a kit bursting with goodies and everything you need to host your event at home, community, work or school.
Offer valid for residents of: 
