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Latest Free Stuff, Free Samples, Discount Coupons, Freebies!
Free Stuff in the USA
Perdue chicken lovers, refresh your routine with 15 days of recipes and receive a calendar (while supplies last).
Offer valid for residents of:
Snail mail still lives! Do you have some words of kindness to express? Write them a letter through Snail Mail My Email! The Snail Mail My Email project aims to reignite the lost art of letter writing, reminding us of the power of personal connection in a digital world. Snail Mail My Email is a worldwide community art project where volunteers handwrite strangers' emails and send physical letters to the intended recipients, free of charge.
Offer valid for residents of:
Product Samples
If your child has a favorite teacher, you can help them pick and send them a beautiful card of appreciation thanks to Ely Cards! An ElyCard is a personalized greeting card delivered through the mail in just one day. Cards are printed and mailed on the same day as the order is received, and delivered the next mail day
Offer valid for residents of:
Health & Beauty
Product Samples
If you have Eczema Curel has something just for you. Request a sample of their Curel Defense kit for Eczema proned skin.
Offer valid for residents of:
Request a free copy of "Tortured For Christ" for yourself and your friends!
Offer valid for residents of:
Register with WaterOutfitters and they will send out one of their sunglass straps to you.
Offer valid for residents of:
Request Bayview Preppy stickers to add to your collection! Their mission: to produce unique coastal style clothing, support our state and country and give back to the environment.
Offer valid for residents of:
While the Bible doesn't give investment advice, it certainly contains principles for managing our money. Nine Biblical Money Management Principles That Will Change Your Life reveals nine practical principles.
Offer valid for residents of:
Babies & Infants
Moms marke the dates: 11/14 and 11/21/15 to celebrate with Toys R Us at 11 am on the Saturday corresponding to your baby's birth month.
Then you can Create baby's first "Ugly Christmas Sweater".
Offer valid for residents of:
Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt wants to treat all veterans and active duty personnel to a free frozen yogurt on Veterans Day, 11/11/15.
Offer valid for residents of: