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Health & Beauty
Product Samples
The GMP Liquicaff is the world's first LIQUID caffeine pill.
"We combine caffeine (derived from natural Green Tea Leaf and Guarana) with other powerful herbal extracts (Yerba mate and Elutherococcus senticosus) to provide long-lasting energy and focus*. We combined these ingredients in a proprietary liquid capsule delivery method - The fast-acting liquid within our capsules means you'll feel the powerful effects even faster."
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Sweepstakes starts on March 16, 2015 at 9:00:00 a.m. PST and ends on May 11, 2015 at 9:00:00 a.m. PST.
Grand Prize: $100 in Ghiardelli Chocolate; Bonjour Chocolate 1.5 Quart All-in-One Double Boiler; Thermohauser 10-piece Chocolate Dipping Set; and one (1) Driscoll’s Berries for a Year package, awarded as a $260 Visa® pre-paid card. Four (4) First Prizes: a $100 Driscoll’s Berries Visa Card. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received.
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Business Magazines
The complimentary one-year subscription to Draft magazine is sponsored by Quantities Limited.
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Think it's time for a woman in the White House and more women in Congress? Show your support for more women in elected leadership with this free bumper sticker!
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Health & Beauty
Product Samples
Request An Absolutely Free Sample of Seven Essentials by completing a short survey on their site.
It’s anti-aging power or ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) rating is over 21,010 per serving — the highest rated anti-aging food on earth (equivalent to 42 servings of vegetables).
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Business Magazines
Family Vacation Critic is partnering with Family Fun and giving away a FREE one-year Family Fun magazine subscription to their newsletter subscribers. You'll also be signed up to receive Family Vacation Critic's newsletters, if you're not already.
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Business Magazines
The UPPAbaby mission is to make the smartest strollers, car seats and juvenile gear available: intuitively designed, stylish and sleek, with the features and functions new parents want—plus innovations they never knew were possible
They are excited to offer their fans a FREE 1-year subscription to Parents magazine as a thank you for being a loyal customer! Hurry, this limited time offer ends April 20! Please fill out the form on their facebook page.
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Use this coupon to get a free massage at HydroMassage. Valid from April 13 to 17. so hurry!
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Women's Stuff
Find a Kiss USA location near you and get a Free Manicure
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Money & Financial
Traditional Affiliate Marketing is Dead! FREE online Workshop
Let me show you the new rules to consistently dominate major product launches.
No list? No product? No problem we will show you how to dominate in product launches… join us now!
*This is a Sponsored Post*
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