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Product Samples
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On a deep undercover assignment in Taipei, DEA agent John Lawlor was doing everything right… until he fell in love with his informant, beautiful Josephine “Joey” Kwang, one of the Asian underworld’s best transport drivers. Compromised and cover blown, John was forced to flee. Now, years later, John is back in Taipei for the weekend. But is he here to finish the job? Or to win back Joey’s love?
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My VIP Butterfly Tickets are hidden inside 10 Kid’s Guides. If you’re one of the lucky finders, you’ll get four tickets to Dollywood’s 2025 season opening to help celebrate my park’s 40th anniversary. You’ll also win a two-night stay at one of my Dollywood luxury resorts, season passes to Dollywood and much more.
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Discover the very best in insights, ideas, and innovations by today's preeminent tastemakers in Elle Decor! In every issue you'll find hot new decorating and hosting trends, inspiration from industry-leading designers, luxury vacation travel tips, and more! Order your complimentary 2-year subscription (a $40 value) today.
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Health & Beauty
Product Samples
Developed with dermatologists, this non-greasy, fast-absorbing moisturizing cream includes 3 essential ceramides to lock in skin's moisture and help restore your skin’s protective barrier.
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Save on Xyzal® products with this printable coupon — accepted at participating retailers.
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Health & Beauty
Product Samples
Simply complete the form on their site for your free sample of Mela B3 Dark Spot Serum
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Thank you for your interest in CLEAN RESERVE Fall/Winter 2024 Campaign!
CLEAN RESERVE is an eco-conscious farm-to-fragrance collection for consumers looking for a clean alternative to traditional prestige fragrances. Crafted with the people and the planet in mind, the collection is inspired by the perfumer’s “reserve” of sustainable ingredients from farms around the world that help support farmers & their communities. We are a proud sponsor of EARTHDAY.ORG’s Protect Our Species campaign to raise awareness on the importance of protecting pollinators, nature’s essential workers. We made the choice to use ethically sourced ingredients that help support farmers and their communities with education and healthcare programs.
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