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Dental Care
Product Samples
Poligrip® promotes better oral health and improves the denture wearing experience. It helps keep food from getting stuck underneath
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The Tim Hortons Free Swim is currently offered in Alberta and Ontario. Please check their site for a complete listing of locations and times.
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Enter coupon code PRINTS4TEN at checkout thru Saturday, July 6th to get 30% off at Walgreens Photo
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MIR is a North American travel company specializing exclusively in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltics, Central Asia, Mongolia, China and Central/East Europe and have been guiding travelers to this mysterious and hidden region for over 25 years.
If you love travelling and would like to get a Free Catalog from the MIR Travel Company, simply go to their site and complete the form.
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Office Supplies
Printable Stuff
Product Samples
Become a member at Post-it® Perks to enjoy New, innovative product announcements, free samples, coupons, giveaways etc. Simply complete the form on their site.
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Print this coupon to get a 50% discount on any Family Meal Purchase at Boston Market on 4th of July (Today)
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Peanut Butter & Co never uses partially hydrogenated vegetable oil or high fructose corn syrup, and all of our products are made with 100% USA-grown peanuts!
Simply like them on Facebook to get a coupon - Save #1 on a jar of Peanut Butter & Co.
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Clothing & Accessories
Printable Stuff
Simply go to their site to get a coupon that allows you to save $3 on Dr Scholl's Active Series Replacement Insoles.
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Cleaning Products
Printable Stuff
Get some excellent discount coupons on Clorox Products from the Clorox's website. Simply go to their site and click on a discount deal that you like.
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