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Sleepyhead powdered sleep-aid drink contains melatonin, which has been shown to help induce sleep and improve overall sleep quality. Melatonin is a natural chemical in your brain that tells you when it’s time to go to sleep.
To try a free sample of Sleepyhead, go to their site and click on "free sample" on the right hand side. This will lead you to a survey monkey form. Simply complete the form to get your sample!
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Help fight global warming and beat back propaganda by displaying your free "Got Science?" sticker somewhere visible. Simply go to their site and click on "Skip the Quiz and get your sticker now"
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Save money on Centrum products by using the coupons on their site! They have several for you to choose from. Print them and use them to enjoy some discounts.
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Drinks Sample
Product Samples
DrinkACT is all about energy, healthy energy. Advanced Cellular Therapy is what A.C.T stands for. ACT Energy drinks balance a proprietary combination of highly-effective, all natural ingredients that work together on the cellular level.
Request a free sample today on their site. Simply fill up the form.
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Preppers Magazine is a full-color publication printed and mailed discretely to those who want to be prepared for events that could drastically affect life as we know it.
For a limited time, Preppers Magazine is available as a free subscription. Simply complete the form on their site to get yours in the mail!
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Health & Beauty
Printable Stuff
Product Samples
Simply go to their site and create your personalized gift, scroll and choose five of ten NEUTROGENA® trial-size products or coupons. Once you have chosen 5, click on continue. Complete the form and submit!
Offer valid for residents of:
Printable Stuff
Product Samples
Print this coupon and bring it to your nearest Waffle House to enjoy a free flavored waffle. Offer valid till 5/16/2013. Enjoy!
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Printable Stuff
Product Samples
There are several coupons for you to choose from. Simply go to their site and print a few to enjoy over $200 in savings on Kroger products
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Diet & Nutrition
Health & Beauty
Product Samples
Metamucil® is a fiber supplement brand that contains 100% natural psyllium fiber giving you an unmatched range of health benefits. Mix Metamucil® Orange Smooth Texture powder into at least 8 ounces of water or your favorite beverage for a convenient way to add fiber to your diet and help lower cholesterol
Get your Free Samples Metamucil Sugar-Free MultiHealth Fiber & Align Probiotic Supplement from Costco. Go to their site and click on "Get a Sample"
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MomsRising takes on the most critical issues facing women, mothers, and families. MomsRising combines the best of American innovation and ingenuity.
In honor of Mother's Day this year, order this free MomsRising magnet for yourself from
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