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Pets & Animals
Printable Stuff
Product Samples
The MyKitten® Program Kit is your special gift for signing up. It includes a kitten ID tag, a coupon for a FREE bag of protein rich
Purina® kitten food, a coupon for $5.00 off one (1) pail of MAXX® Scoop Cat Litter, any size, any variety and a coupon for a FREE tin of any Purina® brand wet cat food.
Go to their site and register. Enter your Kitten's Birthdate (not yours!). Your kitten needs to be less than 1 year old to qualify for this freebie!
Offer valid for residents of:
Health & Beauty
Product Samples
Simply call them at 1.800.DHC.CARE (1.800.342.2273) to request your free samples of DHC’s bestselling products. You can also sign up for their email list to receive promotional offers and skincare tips! CANADA Only!
Offer valid for residents of:
Print this offer and bring it to your nearest WalMart to get a 10by13 Portrait ($50 in value). No Purchase Necessary. Offer valid till Mar 10, 2013.
Offer valid for residents of:
Simply complete the form on their site to get this free CONTOUR® NEXT EZ meter. Perfect for diabetics. You don't need a code. Just go to their site and click on this link: "If you don't have a promotion code, click her"
Offer valid for residents of:
Business Magazines
TV Weekly was created to provide the most complete TV print listings on a localized, city-by-city basis. Their mission is simple - to help their readers quickly and easily find out what's on TV in their area!
Simply complete the form on their site to get a free copy of this magazine. Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.
Offer valid for residents of:
Business Magazines
Simply follow the steps outlined on their site to get your Free Subscription to Latina Magazine. The complimentary one-year Latina subscription is sponsored by Vistaprint.
Offer valid for residents of:
If you are looking to plan a vacation some time soon, then why not go to Ireland? This vacation planner booklet will be perfect for you to plan a nice vacation to Ireland.
Request it on their site by completing the form.
Offer valid for residents of:
The 2013 Arthritis Today Drug Guide is packed with the information relevant to consumers about their medication or treatment options. Get information on side effects, dosages, warnings and more. Plus, the facts on the latest drugs for RA, OA, Fibromyalgia, Gout and Lupus. Free edition by MAIL.
To redeem this offer, go to their site and add item to cart. Then, "View Cart" on the top right corner and click on "Proceed to Checkout". You will have to create an account with them.
Offer valid for residents of:
Hair Care
Health & Beauty
Product Samples
Watch the video on their site to learn more about the product. Go to their site and click on "Get Sample" and complete the form to get your Free Sample of Fekkai Technician Color Care.
Note: You need to have a Sam's Club membership! Register for an account here:
Offer valid for residents of:
Print this coupon and bring it to a Bath and Body Works in Canada to enjoy a $10 discount when you make a purchase of $30 or more! Offer valid till Feb 18 2013, so hurry!
Offer valid for residents of: