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Coupon - SPAYED/NEUTERED cat formula

Coupon, SPAYED/NEUTERED cat formula
Pets & Animals
Product Samples
Share the infographic about feline health, and Royal Canin will give you a coupon to try the new SPAYED/NEUTERED cat formula for free. They will also make a $25,000 donation to the American Humane Association to support feline health research! Follow the steps on their facebook page!
Offer valid for residents of: 

Free Sample of Prilosec OTC from Costco

Free Sample of Prilosec OTC from Costco
Health & Beauty
Product Samples
If you have heartburn, this one is for you! With one Prilosec OTC pill a day, you can treat frequent heartburn symptoms. That way you can power on with your day - and rest at night - without concern that your frequent heartburn will flare up. To get your Free Sample of Prilosec OTC from Costco, all you have to do is go to their site and click on "Get A Sample" and fill up the form!
Offer valid for residents of: 

Free Sample of Nozin Nasal Sanitizer for Teachers

Free Sample of Nozin Nasal Sanitizer for Teachers
Product Samples
Nozin products are Nozin® Nasal Sanitizer® and Allergy Master® - Nozin provides the safety of natural products backed by science! All Natural Products to Live Healthy, Live Happy. The NOZIN® Nasal Sanitizer® product is a natural, long-acting antiseptic specially formulated to improve hygiene at your nose. If you are a teacher, you can try this Free Sample of Nozin Nasal Sanitizer. Simply like them on facebook and complete the form with your mailing info!
Offer valid for residents of: 

Free Australian Lamb recipe book

Free Australian Lamb recipe book
This Australian Lamb recipe book takes you around the world to sample some of the finest and simplest recipes with regional flare. From Brazilian Style Butterflied Leg of Lamb with Chimichurri Sauce to Aussie Lamb, Mushroom and Beer Pot Pies, you'll see why lamb is a global staple. Fill up the form on their site to get a free sample of this book. Valid in the USA, Canada and Mexico only!
Offer valid for residents of: 

Free Sample of Poli-Grip

Free Sample of Poli-Grip
Dental Care
Product Samples
Poli-Grip can help maintain denture or partial stability and improve your confidence. It can also help to keep food particles from lodging between your dentures and your gums, helping to reduce gum irritation. Just a few dabs of Poli-Grip create a seal between your dentures and your gums, making them more comfortable while you eat. Try the free sample of Poli-Grip by filling up the form on their site! Canadians only!
Offer valid for residents of: 
