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Get a 3-pack free sample of Poise Pads from Walmart. Poise is specially designed for light bladder leakage. Try it today!
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Health & Beauty
Product Samples
Be a fan of Peau d’Or by liking them on facebook and receive a free sample of their tanning lotion! Valid in the USA only!
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Business Magazines
The 16-page guide features articles on starting a walking plan, why walking is good for the whole body and ways to overcome barriers that prevent you from starting.
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Simply fill up the form on their page to get your Free Sample of Liquitex Professional Spray Paint. Subject to availability, valid in Continental USA only!
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Fragrance Sample
Product Samples
Get your free sample of Flora Garden frangrance from Gucci! Simply fill up the form on their facebook page.
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Product Samples
Women's Stuff
You need to create a membership and you need to fill up a short questionnaire to see if you are eligible for this Free Sample of Vocalpoint Tampon. Enjoy!
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Like them on Facebook to get your Free Sample of Finish Quantum Dishwashing Detergent. Millions have already switched, and hopefully you will switch to Finish Quantam after trying their free sample.
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Follow the instruction on this site to get free samples from Duraco Express! They will ship your sample the same day - free of charge.
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Backup your files on Google Drive for FREE! Works for PC as well as Mac! Get 5GB worth of data for free and you may wish to upgrade to 25GB for less than $2.50 per month!
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The Hoveround Power Chair is great to Hover around! Get the free information kit by filling up the form on their site. It includes a free DVD!
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