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Free Freezer Label Samples

Request Free Freezer Label Samples
Home & Garden
Product Samples
Get a free Freezer Labels sample pack that includes free freezer proof labels and stickers! Select from the 2 options to determine the type of sample you'd like to receive. offers full-color digital printing on freezer labels stock and also a diverse stock of print-yourself blank freezer labels. Get a sample pack delivered right to your door so you can make sure that our labels are going to meet your needs.
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Free Storm Trooper KeyChain (Shipping Required)

Free Storm Trooper KeyChain
If you are a fan of Star Wars, you will love this! Get this Jedi Storm Trooper Keychain for FREE. You just need to pay for Shipping and Handling (this varies based on where you are located). This is a keychain made from Zinc Alloy for everyone who is huge fan of Star Wars.
Offer valid for residents of: 

Free First Ascent Mountain School Stickers

Request Free First Ascent Mountain School Stickers
Product Samples
Stickers & Magnets
Based out of Colorado Springs and Golden, Colorado, First Ascent Mountain School specializes in unforgettable adventure trips for the whole family. First Ascent offers guided rock climbing, ice climbing, snowshoeing, mountain biking and hiking trips, along with the most in-depth climbing courses and clinics available. Education and inspiration are at the heart of every adventure, and together with our unrivaled passion for what we do, define us at First Ascent. Complete the form to score First Ascent Mountain school stickers.
Offer valid for residents of: 

Free $200 for Eating Military MREs- Mass residents

Sign up: Free $200 for Eating Military MREs- Mass residents
Money & Financial
A research study at the US Army Institute of Environmental Medicine in Natick, MA is being conducted to determine the effects of eating the Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE) military ration on gut health. To be eligible, you must: Be 18-62 years old;Be willing to eat and drink only MRE items for 21 consecutive days. - Not be trying to lose weight. - Be willing to give blood, urine and fecal samples. - Not have a history of gastrointestinal problems. - Meet additional screening criteria. See criteria for more details!
Offer valid for residents of: 

Free Stickers from BABE

Sign up: Free Stickers from BABE
Product Samples
Stickers & Magnets
BABE is a band making waves in the indie music scene. They're comprised of Derek Thomas, Sam Plecker, Nolan Le Vine, and Trevor Sutton. Four childhood friends who now travel, write music, and live together. The quartet combines deep grooves, spunky guitar riffs, and powerful vocal melodies to yield a full and energetic sound. Sign up and they will send out (5) BABE stickers!
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