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Educational & School
Product Samples
Need a product for your school or college that everyone will love? Check out and request a sample of sunglasses in your school's colors! Give them a like on their Facebook page to begin the process. Name and address of your school/college is required!
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Stickers & Magnets
Sign up for their newsletter and they will send out some of their stickers for free!
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Home & Garden
Product Samples
Manitoba Hydro will sent kit free consisting of 2 low-flow showerheads,2 low-flow faucet aerators,3 meters of hot water heater pipe wrap,Teflon tape,hot water heater temperature gauge, and a refrigerater/freezer thermometer. Register for your free kit on the linked page or call 1 877 326 3488. Manitoba Hydro residential customers who own or rent their home which is occupied on a year round basis. Seasonal residences such as cottages/cabins do not qualify as their year round energy and water savings do not provide sufficient economic benefits to offer a kit. Property managers or landlords who manage or own a multi-unit residential property. Kit includes: Energy-Efficient Massage Showerhead, Water-Saving Bathroom Aerator, Water-Saving Swivel Kitchen Aerator & Foam Pipe Insulation
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To get this free sample, you will need to follow the instructions on their Instagram post to claim yours!
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Nutella fans and bacon lovers, combine your love and request a free sample of the new Nutella and Bacon bites before they are all gone. Limit one set per household!
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Business Only
Product Samples
Genpak Food Packaging is offering free samples of their products to try before you buy! Don't forget to include your business name.
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Business Only
Product Samples
Swabs, applicators and other single-use medical products for healthcare from Puritan company. Select an industry and category products, To request product samples, please indicate the product number or product category you are interested in below. Have questions? Call 800-321-2313 to speak with a Puritan representative (207-876-3311 if outside the United States or Canada).
Offer valid for residents of:
Health & Beauty
Product Samples
If you want to say goodbye to that saw, red and itchy skin around your stoma? Join thousands of ostomates from around the world by requesting your FREE sample of the Siltac Silicone Ostomy Seal Responsive Silicone Technology - it stretches, bends and flexes, adjusting itself to the size, shape and movement of your stoma. Select product(s) and fill in the necessary information to get free samples.
Offer valid for residents of:
Health & Beauty
Product Samples
You can request a free food supplement from Thought Foods. Add the iQuzil to your basket and check out. Delivery is free too. iQuzil is a new 'learning accelerator' formulated with students in mind. Learning and Productivity Accelerator That Beats Adderall. Click on get freebie and the form will pop up!
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