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Founded by Steve Kaycee, Art Infliction is a truly diverse website. It's informational about art, has a subsidiary site that you can find on the page Artchives, showcases other people's work, and aspires change for the better. It's a true online gem to check out.
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Don't get stuck being in debt after the holiday spending! DebtGuru is a credit counseling and debt management company offering consumer debt relief since 1998. Based in Utah they have helped thousands of families out of debt and into a stable financial future.
Their informative and free 18 page guide can help you to stay debt free for the holidays through smart planning and shopping strategies.
Learn proven techniques you'll be surprised you didn't already know, including how to: Identify Your Holiday Budget, Give Yourself A Holiday Bonus (Free Up 10%-15% Of Your Income), etc...
Offer valid for residents of:
Home & Garden
Product Samples
Claim a free engraved Christmas star decoration by filling out an interactive form. Supply all your preferences in order to personalize your star. Makes a beautiful Christmas gift of a momento for yourself. They are still processing free stars just click on 'launch me'.
Offer valid for residents of:
Product Samples
Claim your free Schär gluten-free pretzels with this £1-off voucher. Simply print it out and take it to Waitrose or Sainsbury's, where you can find them priced at £1. Offer is valid until 30 November 2015.
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The Normal Brand is casual wear dedicated to versatility, durability, and the right fit, redefining normal! Stickers are available, just complete the request form.
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Get Drunk Not Fat is a site that lists and ranks alcohol based on amount of included alcohol % versus calorie content. Remind yourself and score a free bumper sticker to plant on your car!
Offer valid for residents of:
Home & Garden
Backyard Conservation shows you how conservation practices that help conserve and improve natural resources on agricultural land across the country can be adapted for use around your home. These practices help the environment and can make your yard more attractive and enjoyable. Most backyard conservation practices are easy to use. America's farmers and ranchers have been using these practices successfully for decades. Complete the form to request your free Backyard Conservation sign.
Offer valid for residents of:
Pets & Animals
Product Samples
Request a sample of FetchFuel supplement for your dog! In one tasty squeeze FetchFuel supports your dog’s mobility, helps maintain a healthy and shiny coat, and promotes overall dog health. Quality Ingredients, crafted with high quality ingredients and produced in California. FetchFuel is a nutritional powerhouse for your dog’s joints.
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Political buffs, add another sticker to your expanding collection. Missouri resident not required.
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Just enter your details and get a sample box of kellog´s Apple Jacks
Enjoy a delicious breakfast!
Valid: USA
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