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St. Francis Day in a Box

Request: St. Francis Day in a Box
Diet & Nutrition
DVDs & Videos
Educational & School
Hey animal lovers, celebrate the season of St. Francis with our free limited-edition St. Francis Day in a Box. Each Box Includes: Kind News Magazine, Fill the Bowl Kit, Eating Mercifully DVD, "Living Legacy: Faith Voices on Animal Protection" DVD, Explore The Origins of Animal Protection in Christianity In This 12-Part Series, and more.
Offer valid for residents of: 

Christmas Beard Swag

Guys: Christmas Beard Swag
Men's Stuff
Stickers & Magnets
Guys sign up with the Christmas Beard Foundation, grow some hair to show you care! After sign up you get: beard comb, a sticker, pass-along cards and more to help you promote your beard. The Christmas Beard Foundation runs an annual event that raises funds on behalf of charity organizations which support orphaned children around the world. The Christmas Beard was started in 2011 by Ryan Bates in Gilbert, Arizona with nothing but a five o'clock shadow. During the first Christmas Beard season, he managed to raise over $1,000 and motivated 50 men to beard themselves.
Offer valid for residents of: 
