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Latest Free Stuff, Free Samples, Discount Coupons, Freebies!
Business Only
Product Samples
Would you like to try before you buy a sample of Carol's Chicken? Fill out the short form completely and they will contact you. Carol’s Country Kitchen is a family company that has been manufacturing quality products for the Foodservice and Food Manufacturing industries since 1984.
Specialising in Roasted Chicken products, Carol’s Roast Chicken Meat is ideal for Cafes, Restaurants, Takeaway shops, Pizza Shops, School Canteens, Catering Operations and Food Manufacturers.
All Carol’s Chicken is cooked and packaged on modern processing equipment by trained staff at our production facility in Richmond, Victoria. The product is manufactured under strict compliance with all PrimeSafe (HACCP) standards, with the highest commitment to quality and consistency.
Offer valid for residents of:
Money & Financial
This credit rules bookmark from the FTC has all that you need to remind you when you make any kind of purchase about credit rules. For instance: Keep track of how much you spend. Remember that incidental and impulse purchases add up fast.
Offer valid for residents of:
Home & Garden
Product Samples
Hey Fashion designers, Laura Ashley is offering free fabric swatches if you are interested! Laura Ashley is a quintessentially British fashion & home furnishings brand. Check out her swatch designs, click on 'add free swatch' to request your free sample.
Offer valid for residents of:
Printable Stuff
If you are a member of MyMail, you can get a free Warburtons 400g Wholemeal Loaf when you request a £1 off coupon. Just take the coupon to your local supermarket to redeem and get your free loaf of Warburtons!
Offer valid for residents of:
Business Only
Product Samples
Turn up your gravy with a free sample of Knorr's Gravy paste for foodservice, catering, chefs, etc...
Offer valid for residents of:
Money & Financial
Eco Investor is Australia's specialist environmental investment magazine and the leading source of information about environmentally positive investments. Get Free Samples of Eco Investor and Eco Innovation.
Offer valid for residents of:
Add another magnet to your Fridge collection. Brizzy Rubbish removals is offering a free fridge magnet just for you.
Offer valid for residents of:
Business Only
Stickers & Magnets
Let Prushka do the muscle work for your business! Use of the Now Due, Overdue and Final Notice stickers on your invoices definitely speeds recovery. They work because of the magic of the Prushks name. Your debtors know that if they don't pay, they are likely to end up dealing with Prushka.
Offer valid for residents of:
Business Only
Office Supplies
Product Samples
If you are a registered business you can request a sample pack from Newcastle Business Cards at no cost to you.
Offer valid for residents of:
Western Water residents, Western Water wants you to order a free copy of Home Harvest. Home Harvest will only be posted to people living within the Western Water region.
Offer valid for residents of: