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Hold Fast to all Things Christians CD-ROM & CD

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These three computer CD's cover a vast wealth of life saving truth revealed by Jesus Christ in the end time through His faithful end time apostle. There is enough information on these CD's to keep you busy for countless hours of study, research and listening to God's Word being expounded. They are offered free as a public service to God's people and to any who want to learn THE PLAIN TRUTH. Just email me with your postal mailing address at: [email protected] to order your CD set (for North & South America & Europe).
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Stickers & Magnets
Sign up to score some free stickers from AmeriCorps! Stickers come in 16 in a pack! Welcome to the CNCS Online Ordering System, your source for National and Community Service materials! All materials are provided at no cost to the general public by the Corporation for National and Community Service.
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