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Free International Day of Prayer DVD

Request Free International Day of Prayer DVD
DVDs & Videos
To request this DVD tick off the box at the top. Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit, inter-denominational Christian organization dedicated to assisting our persecuted family worldwide. VOM was founded in 1967 by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who was imprisoned 14 years in Communist Romania for his faith in Christ. His wife, Sabina, was imprisoned for three years. In the 1960s, Richard, Sabina, and their son, Mihai, were ransomed out of Romania and came to the United States. Through their travels, the Wurmbrands spread the message of the atrocities that Christians face in restricted nations, while establishing a network of offices dedicated to assisting the persecuted church. Orders must be received by Oct. 23 to arrive in time for IDOP Sunday on Nov. 1.
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Free Book: Gospel of John

Request Free Book: Gospel of John
Living Waters is offering free of charge a copy of The Gospel of John. The Gospel of John is one of the most loved books of the Bible. John 3:16 is regarded by many as the most important verse in the Bible. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"
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Free Nads Wax Strips

Request Free Nads Wax Strips
Cosmetics & Makeup
Health & Beauty
Women's Stuff
Score a sample of Nads Exfoliating Wax Strips and get rid of your unwanted hair and gain smooth skin. Use the exfoliating surface of Nad’s Exfoliating Wax Strips weekly between waxes to keep the skin feeling smooth and beautiful, and minimise the occurrence of ingrown hair.
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