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Free Educational & School stuff

Get Coursera Plus for $1 (Usually $59)

Get Coursera Plus for $1 (Usually $59)
Educational & School
The variety of courses and the quality of content are amazing. The courses are really well-structured and you will learn so much. It's a great way to learn new skills at your own pace. Highly recommend giving it a try with this special offer! Eligible only in US, UK, and Canada (excluding Quebec). With your monthly subscription, you'll get unlimited access to 7,000+ courses and job-ready certificate programs for $1 in the first month. Valid for new Coursera Plus subscribers only. Only one reward per learner. Offer is subject to change. After the first month, this subscription auto-renews monthly for $59/month
Offer valid for residents of: 

Free Carnival Thrills and Dollar Bills Children's Book

Free Carnival Thrills and Dollar Bills Children's Book
Educational & School
A fully illustrated book that introduces 1st – 3rd grade students to the unique features of Federal Reserve notes. The characters in the book journey through a nearby carnival, where they discover the similarities between the attractions and security features of U.S. currency. Delivery may take up to 2-3 weeks depending on the order size and destination.
Offer valid for residents of: 

FREE Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures® classroom kit (for Educators)

FREE Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures® classroom kit
Children's Free Stuff
Educational & School
The FREE Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures® classroom kit is full of easy-to-use classroom materials that support curriculum standards, plus Colgate® toothpaste and toothbrush samples for students.
Offer valid for residents of: 

Free Group Guitar Lessons at Guitar Center

Free Group Guitar Lessons at Guitar Center
Educational & School
Find a location near you and sign up! Space is limited, RSVP today. As a company made up of musicians and music lovers, we're driven by our shared belief that music is the greatest unifying force in the world. And that idea fuels our mission to fill the world with music. To give people the tools they need to create and connect. To be seen and heard. And recently, to help and to heal. Music can stir the soul and change the frequency of the planet. So let's make some noise. Because the world needs to hear what you have to play.
Offer valid for residents of: 

Free Stuff from CDC - posters, reports, books, and other educational materials

Free Printed Publications from CDC
Educational & School
Posters & Maps
CDC Publications On Demand allows you to order a limited selection of public health materials such as printed copies of factsheets, posters, reports, books, and other educational materials.!
Offer valid for residents of: 
