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Free Men's Stuff
U.S. Pain creates various handouts and booklets to help inform and educate patients, caregivers, and providers. We encourage you to distribute and share these materials far and wide. Please fill out the form below to request materials; we will ship them out as soon as possible. Shipping is free of charge. Please note we do reserve the right to refuse or reduce any request based on availability and/or high shipping costs.
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Health & Beauty
Product Samples
Simply complete a short questionnaire and submit your mailing information for your Free Samples from Gotham Dispensary
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Thank you for your interest in the official coloring book supplement to the motion picture UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE, courtesy of the Winnipeg Ministry of Tourism. Rations will be issued until they are exhausted, at which point physical combat will decide who receives additional rations.
By filling out the form below you agree to color the picture book to the best of your creative abilities, and share on your preferred social media platforms, and affixing the required tagging of @oscopelabs.
You also agree to withhold Oscilloscope Laboratories, UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE, the city of Winnipeg, and the country of Canada free from liability that may arise from improper use of this paper and crayon combination. Many thanks!
Offer valid for residents of:
Across America, from classrooms and schools to public libraries, books are being challenged by far-right MAGA extremists who want to ban them.
Make a pledge to protect books and say NO to book bans, and we’ll send you a free READ BANNED BOOKS bookmark & a colorful sticker! (This way you can also show your support of books — and help build a movement against censorship — by putting a fun sticker on your water bottle, computer, notebook, or other!)
Offer valid for residents of:
Follow a few simple steps to create a personalized label for a bottle of Keeper’s Heart and we'll ship it to you in the mail at no cost.
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My VIP Butterfly Tickets are hidden inside 10 Kid’s Guides. If you’re one of the lucky finders, you’ll get four tickets to Dollywood’s 2025 season opening to help celebrate my park’s 40th anniversary. You’ll also win a two-night stay at one of my Dollywood luxury resorts, season passes to Dollywood and much more.
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Pick from one of these celebrities: Our Favorite Stars!
Anna Paquin
Andrew J. Lincoln
Danai Gurira
Emily Deschanel
Hank Azaria
Hector Elizondo
Ralph Fiennes
Samuel L. Jackson
Willem Dafoe
Offer valid for residents of:
Plaintiffs filed this lawsuit against the Defendants alleging the Defendants' labelling of Breyers ® Natural Vanilla ice cream gave consumers the impression the ice cream contained vanilla flavor derived only from the vanilla plant and not from non-vanilla plant sources, and allege that it contained non-vanilla plant vanilla flavors. The Defendants dispute all of these allegations and deny any wrongdoing. The Court has not decided who is right.
Offer valid for residents of:
New Zealand
Health & Beauty
Talk about your mental health problems to an AI psychologist for free. Feel free to open up because there are no judgements! Don't ignore your mental health!
Offer valid for residents of:
New Zealand
Submit your palm photos and your birth details to get a detailed Astrological reading. Ask specific questions about love, marriage, career, health, and more!
Offer valid for residents of:
New Zealand