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Home & Garden
Product Samples
Garden Making inspires and informs home gardeners with useful, practical information you can use in your home garden. We serve expert and beginning gardeners — anyone who really wants to know the what, when and how of gardening. If you’re not familiar with Garden Making magazine, you can request a no-obligation sample copy to be mailed to you for your review. Complete the form below.
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Home & Garden
Product Samples
Sign up for their free Sample Kit. We’ll send you a selection of printed products so you can see our paper and print quality first hand.
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Babies & Infants
Children's Free Stuff
FREE Sample Bag of Naty Eco Diapers when you join the Naty Ambassadors Program and refer 3 friends.
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Health & Beauty
Printable Stuff
<strong>Amazon Coupon: $1 Off Any Curel Lotion. Must have an account to use the coupon. Save $1 on any Curel Lotion- clip as you do other coupons and the discount is applied at checkout!</strong>
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Alcohol is a drug, get the facts spread the word, help someone! Request this free booklet and get all of your questions about alcohol answered.
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Pets & Animals
Product Samples
Hartz Delectables Squeeze Up Treats are made from 100% real chicken, and are grain-free with no added fillers or by-products, no artificial colors, and no added preservatives. These rich purees come in three different flavors, and are perfect for small and tiny dogs. Our Delectables Squeeze Ups can be fed to your dog by hand, in a bowl, or as a food topper.
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Drinks Sample
Product Samples
Free 5 OZ. Cacao Juice Original Smoothie while supplies last. Valid only within the contiguous United States
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The Tumor, John Grisham’s new, non-legal thriller about a revolutionary new medical technology – focused ultrasound. Please complete the form on their site to pre-order your free, print copy.
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NRDC is the nation's most effective environmental action group, combining the grassroots power of 1.4 million members and online activists with the courtroom clout and expertise of more than 350 lawyers, scientists and other professionals.
Get your Free Acid Test DVD and House Party Action Kit from National Resources Defence Council!
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Cosmetics & Makeup
Health & Beauty
Product Samples
Women's Stuff
Request this free KISS New York Non-Sticky Lip Gloss in Bobble Doll Pink for a limited time only! You will receive your free KISS NY Lip Glace in Bobble Doll Pink in about 7 business days.
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